
The Upcoming HR Controversy: Quick Quitting, Quiet Hiring, and Instagram

With every passing day, we witness new controversies existing alongside the growth of the HR world. The corporate world is changing, the employers and employees are evolving in their principles. We come closer to the end of an era, with the age of loyal employees passing by to make space for the new trend of ‘quick-quitting.’

Quick-quitting is a self-explained term. Here, employees tend to resign from their positions at their workplace before the completion of a year. This concept is becoming increasingly common, and employers throughout the corporate world are struggling with it.

The trend of quick-quitting represents a labor market where workers had numerous other options, therefore, giving them the power to assert dominance and the authority to bargain due to the need for their skills in the market.

According to LinkedIn’s economic graph team, it has been analyzed that within the year 2022, there has been a 10 % hike in this trend. It has been observed that white-collar workers or skilled employees are resorting to quick-quitting. The impact of this trend is evident in various industries including technology, media, and financial industries. The increment of quick-quitting was observed the most in the arts and recreation industry (an 11.6% increase year over year), followed by tech and media (10.5%) and administrative and support services (8.9%).

There are two main causes that make an employee quick-quit. Spending a year at a company is no longer valuable because you can apply for a job with a swipe of your fingertips. Young employees specifically are always looking for the ‘next best thing’ and with the world in our hands in the form of a smartphone, newer opportunities are always available. Secondly, lack of job satisfaction can be a cause. Employees may not be receiving the compensation or acknowledgment that they deserve, causing them to resign at a rapid rate.

This leads to the question– what can be done about quick-quitting? Truthfully, there is not much to do about quick-quitting, everything simply comes down to employee engagement. Employers can check in with their employees to learn about their employee’s progress as well as how the company can serve the employee better.

Instagram’s Role in Quick Quitting and Quiet Hiring

The Upcoming HR Controversy: Quick Quitting, Quiet Hiring, and Instagram

Social media, especially Instagram plays a huge role in the job market. Millions of job opportunities are put up on the platform daily. Employees are hopping from one job to another now more than ever. One thing brands can do, is to buy likes for Instagram. This would help companies grow their brand image and reach, allowing them to hire top talent.

Quiet hiring is on the rise now more than ever with Instagram because it’s incredibly easy to simply post a job opportunity and have people respond to it. Top talents are searching for jobs on the app daily, and companies are likely to get a huge range of responses to a job posting via Instagram.

Quiet Hiring: Is It The Solution to Quiet Quitting and Quiet Firing?

The corporate world and specifically the department of HR has drastically evolved and has been impacted by upcoming corporate trends. Most of these workplace trends gained popularity during or after the pandemic but none of them are completely a new concept.  The practice of these trends simply gained pace at an alarming rate over the last few years. You might have heard of these terms, but in case you don’t know a lot about them, we are here to help.

The thing that these terms have in common is ‘quiet’ in their names but there is nothing discreet about them. They have become issues faced y employees and employers of every firm.

Quiet hiring is a process wherein the company silently identifies its star players or peak performers and rewards such employees that perform exceptionally well in the organization. These workers are consistent in exceeding and fulfilling their goals. These workers are prized by firms and companies do everything they can to retain them.

Quiet firing is when an employer is indifferent to its employees and intentionally treats their staff poorly to the point that it compels the employee to resign. This is highly unethical and creates bad press for the firm. An employer needs to fire their employees in a respectable manner in order to retain the employees they need.

Quiet quitting does not literally mean quitting your job. It simply means offering work that is enough to help you retain your pay cheque and refuse to take up work beyond your responsibilities.

Is quiet hiring really the answer to the two? What are your opinions so far?

The Upcoming HR Controversy: Quick Quitting, Quiet Hiring, and Instagram

All three phenomena are independent of one another and none of them can act as an antidote or solution to the other.  Making ‘quiet hiring’ an answer to the latter two could ruin the firm’s reputation and make the organization’s environment toxic and demotivating. In fact, quiet hiring could be really demotivating to existing staff and in the process. This could cause the loss of valuable employees to other firms.


To conclude, The only solution to the three is to identify them and address each of them separately. ‘Quiet quitting’ is a result of disengagement but it can be perceived as a blessing in disguise as dealing with such employees can be an ordeal, it can only be eliminated by making engagement a priority and improving it. Similarly, the only way to eliminate quiet firing is through honest and candid conversations with the employee that gets subjected to it.

Another important conclusion is that Instagram is an upcoming platform for job postings. Companies can attract a range of responses from top talen by posting a job on Instagram. Quiet hiring is easier now more than ever, since employees can be hired easily via Instagram and how they present themselves in the interview process can give employers a strong impression of how they’ll perform in the workplace. In summary, Instagram is changing how the jobs market performs.

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